Saturday, June 15, 2024

Grand slam triangle

What is next after a grand slam triangle? Pure nihilism. The simplicity of nothingness, the full darkness to start a new cycle, while giving away the previous one.

Is it easy to do the triangle? Yes.

With a bit of birth luck, it is only about self determination. How is that compatible with Sam Harris’ and philosophers transcendental lack of personal free will? It is not, this is another reason why you should not try hard to do it. This is full transcendence of conflicting elements. You work with them until you reach nothingness. 

To precise it, what is a PhD not?

A PhD is not Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic doing her PhD during presidency. A PhD is not some paid course that you do on top of your daily job. Thus, all the Croatian medical PhDs are not PhDs. A PhD is your daily job, more it is your life. 

A PhD cannot last less than 4 years. 80% of social science PhDs are not PhDs. PhDs based on surveys and their interpretation are not science and cannot lead to a PhD. Prostitutes like Aella think this is science.

Going further, a PhD is not based on achieving state of the art results based on CMOS node shrinkage, thus 50% of ISSCC papers are not science and PhDs relying on them cannot be PhDs.  

A PhD is not a title, it is a lifestyle of struggle which is crowned only if the candidate makes a meaningful impact in the community and is thus extremely easy to identify.

What is a CEO not?

A tehnomanadzer who got to own a privatized company is not a CEO. An employer who extracts money from the company is never a CEO. Robert Kiyosaki is not a CEO, he just uses his company to minimize taxes. A multiman company head is not a CEO if they work for one third party. A company head “hopper” who is brought in to maximize the owners profit is not a CEO.

A CEO is someone who is serving shareholders, employees and customers, better called partners, all at the same time. He thinks of all of them, sometimes instead of all of them. He takes them on his shoulders knowing the pain in advance, knowing that even more will join to increase the heavy weight and burden. Nevertheless, he is stoically relentless in a steady pace of walk. 

What is a millionaire not?

A millionaire is not someone who inherited millions nor someone who was born in a power position that easily leads to million-based transactions. The Roland Garros visitors in the VIP section are not millionaires, they are just spoiled kids. A millionaire is not someone who is scared to lose them green bills. A millionaire is not someone who avoids paying taxes. A millionaire is not anyone who got lucky winning a jackpot nor someone who used pyramid structures like cryptocurrency to extract millions. A millionaire is not a person who enpoors others.

A millionaire is someone who makes others feel rich, makes them feel it is easy. It is one who understands money is fluidity and pace, and thus one who gives it all away.

However, you are not interested in the above, you want to be an elegant and super-efficient PhD from a social school, earning millions through tourism-based money laundering you inherited from your parents, through a single man company of which you are the CEO. I understand this; if I was you I would want the same.